Verse 1
As I sit here
trapped in fear
I’m not ashamed to say theres a tear
or two running down my face
thinking of this fucked up place
Used to count my good grace
To be born into the American race
School taught
us America is the GOAT
Come to find clearly its not
Fuck, only 30% of us even vote
So I used to feel like the rest
of the world was basically useless
Of course now I’ve learned that’s truthless
and in fact America is vile and ruthless
Granted compared to our military most countries appear toothless
But yet our people march and die in the streets, seems fruitless
To even try and change things, im no Confucius
but I know a little bit. I see how police kill and beat blacks for no reason, brutish
And maybe it’s my naivety or my hubris
but I think I can actually facilitate change
Probably just because I’m mentally deranged
But yo man we need to organize
Because people need to realize
That nothing will ever change unless they make it change
If you don’t believe that you’ve gotta be insane
If you think someone else is gonna come along
to wave a magic wand and fix your life
then bitch you should turn off this song
Because its a tale of struggle and strife
This aint no trap rap about thugging or drugs or money or women
And it aint something you should just be chilling
with your homies bumping while you smoke a blunt
No, I’m not here to stunt
like I got all the answers not trying to front
but I will say I’m willing to confront,
the problem because this shit needs to stop man
Anyone got a real plan?
People are dying on the daily
When really life should be lived gaily
No one should ever need to fear for their lives
Or worry that their wives
Or their kids wont be safe from harm
Truly we need to disarm
The whole fucking country
What’s that you said?
You wanna talk about the second amendment now?

Bitch please, that line of thinking been put been to bed
Winning that argument is literally elementary,
let me explain how!
Our country was founded by revolutionaries
Freedom fighters who today we’d label terrorists
But back then there were no psychotherapists
Just farmers with guns who decided to revolt
For their freedom and their rights and it gave the british quite a jolt
We won that war by running and hiding, gurilla warfare
And here’s the reason you should care
Because the second amendment was written in a time
Before guns were a dozen a dime
They fired a single shot musket that took a full minute to reload
Very different from an automatic weapon designed to unload
Hundreds of bullets a second
Limited only by the designers imagination, fecund
Tech increased, went from muskets you could only aim in the light of the sun
To fucking AR-15s and M whatever the fucks topped off with a semiautomatic shotgun
So now you can’t even take cover or run
And we seen people stuck
In classrooms and movie theaters and concerts like sitting ducks
While evil motherfucks
Mow down countless innocents
Politicians tell us we need lessons in patience
While our brothers are stuck in hospitals as patients
And look man I know I’m a white guy
And I’m not even gonna try
and say I know what it’s like to be black
cause it would be wack
to pretend I have the lived experience and I clearly lack
It’s why even though I rap the n-word at home
and I love how that shit sounds in my dome
you’ll never hear it leave my peristome
A words just a word but words have power
And I wouldn’t want to sour
A young black man on my message
Simply because he thinks i’m dissrespectin
But what I can truthfully say
Is I look around every day
Read the news, hear the stories, and see the way
In which guns are ruining our communities
And I’m sorry if you love your weapons
Personally I think guns are cool but we need to be accepting
The old adage “guns dont kill people, people kill people” was created because the NRA felt threatened
Of course an inanimate object can’t have intent, which is both a blessing
and a curse because if Sandy Hook and murdered children didn’t make us question
Our fucked up obsession with guns and violence and wasn’t enough to get leaders steppin
to the NRA in a real fucking way and implementing actual gun control laws then I cant even reckon
what it might finally take to make us truly start sweating

And stop letting
crooked politicans and shady lobbyists treat us like hunted pheasants
I know guns and death aren’t pleasant
Subject matters for discussion but it presents
A chance for real discourse
Here’s my idea for our best shot at recourse
Here’s my message, simple and true
Here’s what I think we need to do
We gotta disarm this nation
and my vote is full castration
We gotta disarm this nation
before we all dead like a Thracian
We gotta disarm this nation
Cut off our festering limb, ablation
We gotta disarm this nation
Tired of seeing kids on the news wearing carnation
But really we gotta disarm this nation
Or we’re destined for damnation.

Verse 2
Yo yo yo Listen up man
I need your attention fam
I got a novel plan
A new idea for how to heal
This fucked up country, lets talk real
for a second or two
While I spit something true
Way I see it we got one solution
One way politically we can start to make restitution
To the victims of gun violence
Whose voices were prematurely silenced
It aint gonna be easy
Gonna make a lot of y’all feel queasy
But I been thinking about this shit for years
And so despite all my fears
About how this may sound like a bad idea
Might make us vulnerable to Korea
or some such shit
but man fuck it I’ll take the hit
I’ll take the risk
might make a villain of myself like Wilson Fisk
but if shit changes I’ll still say worth
So here’s my plan to help this country experience rebirth
And I ask you forgive the dearth
of details in what I’m about to say

but I truly think this is the only way
that we as a nation may
be able to prevent doomsday.
We gotta disarm the country
Because see America got a monkey
on its back and that fucker always hungry
Monkey says “buy more guns!”
Men say “sounds fun!”
Monkey says “shoot that bitch!”
Men go do that shit, feed the itch
That little twitch
that comes from never knowing which
day might be your last even if you got perfect pitch
or can ball or dance or are a fucking computer witch
So what we gotta do is ditch
the monkey and his violence and his guns
and just dance and play in the sun
For no reason other than its fun
because life shouldn’t be lived on the run
and it shouldn’t be over until your time is truly done
I’ll never understand
how you as a man can
believe your right to own a firearm
Is more important than keeping a child safe from harm
How is the public’s safety
Less valuable than your fucking crazy
Obsession with owning weapons of war
You could have the power of Thor
make any man tremble when you roar
but still you’d want more and more and more
So I say from shore to shore
Lets do what New York did not too long ago,
And let anyone bring a gun, legal or no
And drop that shit off with the po-po
No questions to ask
Just one important task
One goal we should all agree on
That this violence needs to end before we all dead and gone.
You know other countries do this shit better
But America is owned by a debtor
named the National Rifle Association
That now controls our nation
Or at least our conversation about gats
and personally I think thats
super fucked up and should be illegal
in my mind these politicians shit on the bald eagle
And everything america was supposed to stand for
So I dedicate my life here and now to settling the score
I’ll say it once more

Here’s how we restore
our country to the land of our fore
Fathers and the great ideals that so enthralled
a rag tag group of farmers and militia to stand tall
Despite the fact the brits were many and our armies were small
One Nation, Under God, Indivisible. With liberty and justice for all.
Not saying America ever lived up to those promises y’all
But what I am saying take this verse for what it is, a wake up call
We gotta do just one thing to stop our fall
Wont be easy but it gets harder the longer we stall
Cause the lobbyists and the bought bitches
Will do everything to protect their riches
Might even put a nobody like me in stitches
But man I’m taking the chance
Even if I end up doing one final dance
Off the end of a rope,
convicted and legally murdered by bullshit happenstance
but aint no way nope
I’m changing my stance
We gotta disarm this nation
cause so many people dying right now it might as well be their fucking vocation
I’m ordering a cease and desist citation
On this fucked up fixation
we have with guns when people dying everyday, cremation
So yeah bruh feel my frustration
Understand my vexation
I was a teacher on a field trip the day Sandy Hook happened
Looking after children while reading about others getting cap and
One of my coworkers hometown was overlapping
And as her tears mixed with makeup blackened
Her eyes she said to me “ I cant even imagine
The pain those families are going through right now but the truly saddening
thing is this wont change anything cause our leaders have abandoned
Us and now we’re stuck snapping
and screaming and crying and praying it wont happen
again but if kids getting shot to death by an assault rifle
Isn’t enough to stifle
our idiotic moratorium on the gun conversation
then maybe there’s no saving this nation”
It was a surreal day for us and our students
Field trips are supposed to be fun but laughing didn’t feel prudent
I held out hope my friend would be wrong
Maybe this time someone would be strong
But it’s been 5 years already so I guess she was right
Cause I still see no end to the death in sight
So I offer a simple alternative
I’m sure will piss off a relative
or two
but fuck it and fuck you

I’m all out of charm
When it comes to kids feeling harm
at the hands of a lunatic with a fully automatic firearm
But rather than post up at my weed farm
get high as fuck and watch the news like “Oh, darn!”
No, instead I’m ringing the alarm
Because its time to disarm
Other countries have done it, look at Australia
Used to have a real problem with gun paraphernalia
But now Australia has basically no gun deaths ever
Why? Simple, their politicians were brave as well as clever
We could do the same thing here too
But first we gotta try something new.
I need you to sacrifice some of your rights
So my future children can sleep tight at night
Same way I can’t shout “FIRE” in a crowded theater
Or “BOMB” in an airport cause I’d get convicted as a conspirator
Is how I feel about you and your gun ownership
I’d gladly strip
Those gats and glocks away
Because despite what you may think or say
Society by definition involves giving up certain freedoms
In exchange for security and the promise of years of extra seasons
So don’t talk 2nd amendment or individual liberty
The violence is out of control and so surely you must see
We only have one choice to be free
And so I say to thee
Simple as can be
Lets disarm the nation.
And forever end the gun conversation.
We gotta disarm this nation
rid ourselves of this poison, filtration
We gotta disarm this nation
Waited too long already, cunctation
We gotta disarm this nation
Gun violence binds us, modern day plantation
We gotta disarm this nation
Listen close, head my dictation
We gotta disarm this nation
Before we live in full police occupation

Verse 3:
Disarm the nation motherfuckers
Need everyone from the gangsters to the truckers

Turn in all your guns
Every single one
Melt the heat down
And build a playground in a rundown town
And look man I get you think guns are cool
Shit so do I, I grew up on Call of Duty too fool
But let me ask you
If you’ve got a child or maybe even a few
And they misbehave and hurt a kid, intentional or not
They just walk up and smack the kid on the spot
Now let’s say for arguments sake
Your kid hit the other one with a wooden snake
What do you do?
I dont have kids but I imagine I’m true
in saying you take that shit away
especially if it happens EVERY SINGLE DAY
eventually it isn’t the kids fault anymore is it?
You may scream as loud as you can “QUIT IT”
But if you keep giving the kid the snake
and he keeps hitting other kids and it aint no mistake
then truth be told the child isn’t to blame, its your fault
Shoulda taken that toy and locked it in a vault
Can you see where I’m going with this?
Cant imagine you dont, that analogy would be hard to miss
But in case any dumb motherfuckers hear this and are remiss
to appreciate the words im saying and think its all a diss
Here’s the plain text, stripped down so you cant dismiss
What I’m trying to convey and since we arent mind readers
Here’s my simple message for our political leaders:
Every time there’s a mass shooting and you say “hope and prayers” or “this is the LAST straw” but
then go right back to being bottom feeders
who are basically just lobbyist controlled cheerleaders
Not only are you complicit in the deaths of children
But I don’t even now consider you a civilian
No, more like a villain
You’re a coward owned by corporations
Who sold us out for a better station
Or for power or money or because you got caught fucking a boy in the ass
but youre one of those republican closeted fags who’s married to a lass
And so now the lobbyists own you hook line and sinker like a big mouth bass
all we need is one leader strong enough willing to bypass
the special interests and the bravery to stand up and tell the whole Washington brass
but specifically the NRA
Man FUCK YOU, go away
We gonna disarm the country
because our people are hungry
for life, not death
and you sell death
and we choose life

We choose life over your right to sell a fully automatic weapon with an extended magazine and tactical
grip and fiber optic night vision glasses
Fucking crazy to me how you can buy military level firepower with no special training classes
We choose life over your right to hunt with a gun
Go ahead and use a bow, I’ve heard its more fun
Gives the animals a chance to run
So it becomes more about skill
than just bagging a kill
We choose life over your rights to have a gun because you think they’re cool
Whine and moan all you want and say its just a tool
Ask “whats next?! Are you gonna came take my hammer or my knife?”
Nah man, while those things can end a life
A hammer has a function
outside of death so that analogy malfunction
But you know what?
Guns do have a purpose
It’s to blow a hole in a mans gut!
So why do you need one? You nervous?
Worried some man gonna come shoot you?
Worried your shit gonna get robbed by a few
thugs or gangsters with a gun or two
And you know, true
In a country of guns you need a little heat to stay warm
But if we fight nines with choppers we’ll never propel
ourselves to a world where everyone can excel
I feel like this concept shouldn’t be a bombshell
because after all guns killing people aint new intel
So why do we act like our gun problem is a foregone conclusion?
I’m sorry if there was any confusion
But I find absolutely no amusement
in this subject matter
In fact makes me want to splatter
a mans head against the wall
fortunately I’ve learned to stall
my temper over the years
but I still live with the daily fears
that one day I might snap a little bit
Wake up, take a few hits
Go down southside and buy a chopper
Just because it’ll feel proper
Wannabe rapper and now a wannabe thug
I’m sure I’d feel smug
With a glock in my waist band
But if I do so how can I stand
And condemn our gun industry and culture
while I prey on bitches like a vulture
No, I gotta be above it all
Make sure I never let myself fall
Into despair or rage

Instead try and get my ideas out on the page
Try and suggest maybe there’s another way our nation can progress
Cause for real we’re in a state of wicked regress
and at this rate my grand kids wont live in the United States of America
Simply because there wont be a United States of America
You think we’re too big to fail?
Then you need to hear this tale
and consider the saga of Rome
One of the biggest empires the worlds ever known
because they had no problem just taking another countries home
Didn’t try and justify it like us with lies sold
about “bringing democracy to the world”
No they conquered just to conquer because they were bold
But now their great empire is dead and cold
Here’s why it collapsed, or so I’m told
They had vast income inequality
So the general population’s quality
of life left something to be desired
Soon enough the people got tired
Of starving and dying for rich oligarchs
Millenniums before Karl Marx
These people said enough is enough
We have nothing and you have too much
So allow me to convey
The importance of what I’m trying to say
Put simple, America has gone the same way
Far too few
Have far too much
And the rest of us without such
Luck or privilege or rich parents
Are stuck grinding just to make rent
Which, if I’m being conspiratorial
Seems like the intent
And I dont meant that metaphorical
If there’s 100 apples to go around
And there’s only 50 people in the town
Common sense would dictate
2 apples per person, you relate?
But what happens in America
Is that the esoterica
Takes 49 and a half those apples
Leaves the whole town to grapple
Over their scraps
So you know those kinda folks laugh at a rapper
Making it rain
Or rocking a flashy chain
These people have more money and power than we can even fathom
they lack empathy or compassion but got plenty of platinum
Cole said it best man

love is the only real plan
and I agree no life should be better than yours
But America fucks us like a bitch on all fours
Land of the free and home of the brave?
Motherfucker, we’re all just corporate slaves.
So don’t speak out, you’d better behave
History shows us the leaders brave enough not to cave
quickly end up in a shallow grave
Montaigne teaches that a brave man today may tomorrow find himself craven
Because it was wine or women or circumstance that gave ’em
The ability to front like they were really brave
But once circumstances changed their bravery folded into itself, concave
And so it’s no surprise we keep electing knaves
Cowards too afraid
To stand up and make waves
Cause what they really crave
Is money and power and so they deprave
The people who elected them in the first place to save ’em
and instead of fighting for us these fucks actually help enslave ’em
The same people they swore to that they would pave
A way for real progress, but I guess that was just a soundwave
meant to go viral on social media so you could engrave
In our minds you gave a shit but again we got fooled, so now I rant and rave
I swear man one day I’ll get an invite to that conclave
And I’ll show up with the guns these people worship
That I can go legally purchase
I’ll give them a quick demonstration
About pain and fear, not for personal validation
But rather so they can intimately relate
To the fate
Of so many of my late
Friends who died for petty hate
I was fortunate I placed into GATE
and grew up middle class and white
But even so don’t look at me with spite
I’m not here to try and fight
No, I’m here to be an ally
So until I say goodbye
from this world for good
I’m here to help every neighborhood
We’re all stressing man
And the fuckers in power have a plan
They stir up these bullshit race issues
That kill men and make their women run out of tissues
I’m not saying race isn’t real
No, I’m saying it shouldn’t be such a big deal
So what if I’m white and you’re black?
Cut me some fucking slack
I had no choice in that shit same as you

Doesn’t mean I cant know whats true
Doesn’t mean I cant read and learn
Doesn’t mean I cant also yearn
For equality and freedom for every one
I’m in this bitch for the long run
Cause when I’m done with this rap shit
Imma go use my grace and my wit
To run for elected office
I’m sure it’ll be awful like dying in hospice
But man outside of a Jefferson-style revolution
what else can be the solution?
We gotta participate so go out and vote fam
People died so you could have that right, damn
And just remember in a few years time
That one white guy with the political rhymes
Lexington Beckett Wochner is what my birth certificate says
And one day I just might be the prez
So I’d advise that you remember my name
Cause more than money or fame
all I want is to fix our fucked up political game
Before I get apathetic and turn into a lame
Or before the world makes me go insane,
stick a chopper to my head and blow out my brain
I may not know your life or your struggles but bruh I feel your pain
So please I ask you to remain
Hopeful and dont let your optimism wane
I ask you to abstain
From thoughts of buggin out and opening your vein
It’s true our legal system is arcane
But that doesnt mean one day we cant attain
An end to the reign
of crooked politicans who do nothing but blame
corporations while taking corporate money, just a human bloodstain
Making millions while people are dying everyday like addicts ODing on cocaine
So last time, simple and plain
For Billy and Jessica and Travon and Mike and Jane
I dedicate these words to the families of all those who’ve been slain
I can’t know your pain
but trust I feel your frustration
And so Together I think we can stave off damnation
If we push through the stagnation
And rebuild the foundation
But first things first, before creation
We gotta disarm this nation
to fix our moral calibration
We gotta disarm this nation
and get true proportional representation
We gotta disarm this nation
and our best chance is through collaboration

We gotta disarm this nation
so our children’s children will still have a civilization
We gotta disarm this nation
Because its our motherfucking ethical obligation
But most importantly we gotta disarm this nation
To prove we are worthy of salvation.
Are we worthy though?
With all this talk of money guns clothes and fucking a hoe?
I’m not so sure we are
but as I write this last bar
and I smoke my marijuana cigar
I find it so bizzare
That I can both want to get in my car
And crash it head first into Trump the Tsar
But also want to just pull out a guitar
Find some woods, find the north star
And pray to a God I’m not even sure I believe in
For some guidance and something to believe in
I really worry I might not be around too much longer
Because sometimes I think my demons are stronger
But when my time does come
I just hope that some
of you
might feel I spoke true
That I tried to share my world view
Tried to be vulnerable too
Tried to maybe help the world a little bit
But man, I dunno, shit
Most days I feel pretty worthless
Seem like life is completely mirthless
The whole world over rich people own it all
And not the shit that don’t matter like the dealership or the mall
No, corporations own mountains
I’m sure it happens more times than you can be countin
But here’s one quick example I read about
Nestle bought a literal mountain, that’s power no doubt
But what’s worse came after
Legally, this case became a disaster
See there was a town at the bottom of the mountain
And the town got its water for everything from sewers to drinking fountains
From guess where? Yup, the mountain
And you know Nestle factored this into their accountin
Cause what those evil fucks decided to do
Was keep offering that same water but what was new
Was instead of being free for the town
Nestle charged them like a pimp in motown
Well, I’m sure it isn’t new to hear about
Corporations fucking over us over and no one making a shout

But see here’s the real problem with this particular case
The town sued Nestle but they couldn’t afford the legal race
See all Nestle had to do was stall
They could afford to pay forever and so essentially they could stonewall
These regular folks like you and me
Who just failed to see
How a faceless organization
Could demand more respect than the citizens of our nation
And see as you know I side with the town folk
It’s why I’m writing these words and why I decided they needed to be spoke
But man even with all of us being woke
To the dangers of capitalism and greed
Even so it’s hard not to feel the need
To try and take what’s there
Without a thought or a care
To who may be hurting
because it is disconcerting
To live in America today
Constantly feel bloodshed is on the way
It’s hard to fight for a future you cant feel
when your lived life tells you whats real
is that any day may be your last
So why not go ahead and blast
That fool looking at you tough
Pop off a few shots and he’ll run sure enough
But what’s that gonna really do?
Because in a day or two
He’ll come looking for you and yours
With him and his and he’ll kick down your doors
And he might even put your wife and kids on all fours
And look you dead in the eyes while he ends their life
And then what? Whole generations of strife
Children growing up hating someone for the color of their shirt
When really we should all work together to rise out of the dirt
You’re a fool if you think gangs and violence and drugs are accidental
No, they were ideas put in place with governmental
Oversight and planning and it started off experimental
Another way to enslave a so called minority but it’s gotten worse incremental
Because now we’ve got entire cities and communities growing up fragmental
So this isn’t a verse to be judgmental
Rather just me saying I’m taking this message continental
We’ve been lied to our entire lives by the people in power
But this can be our hour
The rapid liberalization of the world
Combined with what I’m sure will be untold
Leaps and bounds in new technology
Gives us a rare chance to beat our biology
An actual shot to elevate our species
Create worldwide peace treaties

I’ve never understood why Utopia
Couldn’t exist in Ethiopia
Or France, or Chile
I think we’ve just involuntarily
Accepted the false notion that we’re destined
For suffering I think we should question
Whether or not we actually believe
Utopia is something we can never achieve
Because I think we just need to wear our hearts on our sleeve
So others can more easily perceive
That we’re so much more alike but only then can we retrieve
Our world, take back our power
And I admit I may be naive
But I think this could be our greatest hour
We were born too late to conquer the seas and too early to conquer the stars
But maybe what we can conquer is something far more important than Mars
Maybe what our generation can overcome
Is raising every human being out of the slum
Is making sure that every race that’s run
Is a space race or a science race and not an arms one
Maybe then we can finally become
Less numb
to the plight of the bum
Drinking his rum
You think that he’s dumb
But you don’t know that chum
And when he asks you for a crumb
Or holds out his thumb
I know your instinct is to think “scum!”
But man if you came from where he came from
That would be you
and I know thats true
Because I’ve been so broke
That not only could I not afford to toke
But, literally, if I hadn’t had friends who could afford to float my bills
I’d have been waiting in the same soup kitchen tills
And maybe that’s never been you before
And that’s fine but just know we live in war
And the people keeping score
Want you to call her a whore
Want you to be a bore
Want you to care what Beyonce wore
Want you to go out and score
The reason is simple
Hard to miss the examples
The more we fight each other and spend our money and our time and our lives engaged in petty bullshit
between people that have nothing and people that have very little
Well, the bigger and richer the people who really run everything get and before you know it’ll
Be too late to do anything

Shit man, probably already is
But what’s the worst that can happen from one rap song?
Can’t even imagine anyone will listen for long
Either when I’m here or when I’m gone
Hope I’m wrong
and my message gets through
not sure it’ll really do
what I want it to do
But I just needed to say what I felt was true
And what I still think is true,
So again here’s what I say we do
We need to disarm the nation
Disarm the nation
Disarm the nation